“The rugs are washable for the three times per day the dog vomits and eats up some of his own vomit but not all of it.” This is really the only description that would make me pay designer rug prices!
“The rugs are washable for the three times per day the dog vomits and eats up some of his own vomit but not all of it.” This is really the only description that would make me pay designer rug prices!
right to me as I type is our special basket full of old towels for just this purpose. For REALLLLLY special occasions like Christmas we sometimes remember to hide it.
“The rugs are washable for the three times per day the dog vomits and eats up some of his own vomit but not all of it.” This is really the only description that would make me pay designer rug prices!
right to me as I type is our special basket full of old towels for just this purpose. For REALLLLLY special occasions like Christmas we sometimes remember to hide it.
I can't find so many things after having people over last week. Under which pile in which closet will they someday be uncovered?