I hate to say it (but ha ha you KNOW I love to say it): Another vote for waiting to get kids phones! My oldest kid is in 7th and has never once had to deal with a gnarly text! (And lol he complains about not getting the slang but uses his ignorance as a flex!) I also think having his elementary school go through 6th was a lifesaver. Ther…
I hate to say it (but ha ha you KNOW I love to say it): Another vote for waiting to get kids phones! My oldest kid is in 7th and has never once had to deal with a gnarly text! (And lol he complains about not getting the slang but uses his ignorance as a flex!) I also think having his elementary school go through 6th was a lifesaver. There was drama last year, but the kids were able to deal with it with their single teacher, in a more comforting environment. I know my daughter will likely have it worse/more complicated because she is a girl. Plus, she is 8 and anxious and already tells me to go fuck myself regularly (she's in therapy already...)
my 8 year old son said "I hate you" more times to me in the last few weeks than I did to my mom in my entire life so I don't even know why I'm bothering with the 6th grader when it's the 3rd grader who I need to watch out for.
My oldest once said, "I hate you and I'm going to murder you in your sleep," and now even my four year old says that to me when he's upset. CLEARLY I FAILED AND I GIVE UP!
I hate to say it (but ha ha you KNOW I love to say it): Another vote for waiting to get kids phones! My oldest kid is in 7th and has never once had to deal with a gnarly text! (And lol he complains about not getting the slang but uses his ignorance as a flex!) I also think having his elementary school go through 6th was a lifesaver. There was drama last year, but the kids were able to deal with it with their single teacher, in a more comforting environment. I know my daughter will likely have it worse/more complicated because she is a girl. Plus, she is 8 and anxious and already tells me to go fuck myself regularly (she's in therapy already...)
my 8 year old son said "I hate you" more times to me in the last few weeks than I did to my mom in my entire life so I don't even know why I'm bothering with the 6th grader when it's the 3rd grader who I need to watch out for.
My oldest once said, "I hate you and I'm going to murder you in your sleep," and now even my four year old says that to me when he's upset. CLEARLY I FAILED AND I GIVE UP!
well at least you'll be asleep when it happens
Oh totally. I usually say, "Please do kill me and get me out of this." Which, sorry, isn't great to say but it's a terrific zinger!!!!
I have said if you're lucky I'll die soon and you'll get a much nicer mommy.
ooh that's good
I'm crying hahahahahaha