My girls (ages 8 and 2) have both dropped f-bombs on a number of occasions, as well as other casual profanity. It's the universal adjective.
I'm blaming their father (he's a lawyer and they are worse than sailors when it comes to profanity.) I put that in the category of "watch your language" and "don't repeat that at school." Thus far, we haven't haven't had big issues with that.
My girls (ages 8 and 2) have both dropped f-bombs on a number of occasions, as well as other casual profanity. It's the universal adjective.
I'm blaming their father (he's a lawyer and they are worse than sailors when it comes to profanity.) I put that in the category of "watch your language" and "don't repeat that at school." Thus far, we haven't haven't had big issues with that.
My girls (ages 8 and 2) have both dropped f-bombs on a number of occasions, as well as other casual profanity. It's the universal adjective.
I'm blaming their father (he's a lawyer and they are worse than sailors when it comes to profanity.) I put that in the category of "watch your language" and "don't repeat that at school." Thus far, we haven't haven't had big issues with that.
I personally think that’s adorable. They’re expressive!
...until your toddler is calling another driver a "fucking idiot" in traffic...:D
HAHAHAHAHA-i love it....