I’m having the double whammy of massive kid needs RIGHT when all my friends and acquaintances from college are starting to capital-M “Make It.” (Like C-suite of a Fortune 500, federal judge, prosecuting the former president, “Make It.”) Meanwhile, I can barely hold it together on a “reduced schedule” at my entirely unimpressive mid tier …
I’m having the double whammy of massive kid needs RIGHT when all my friends and acquaintances from college are starting to capital-M “Make It.” (Like C-suite of a Fortune 500, federal judge, prosecuting the former president, “Make It.”) Meanwhile, I can barely hold it together on a “reduced schedule” at my entirely unimpressive mid tier gig, because it is a full time job making sure my kid gets the schooling he deserves and the therapy he needs. (schlepping him to said appointments is a SECOND full time job that my husband gets to do. ) All I can do is hope that it gets easier as he gets older.
I don't know how old your kiddo is, but I have two Autistic kids (and I'm in a community of moms with high need kids) and I promise that even if it doesn't get better, it will get easier. Our socieity is not set up to support caregiving or disability in any major way and that's fucked and on them and not you. <3
I’m having the double whammy of massive kid needs RIGHT when all my friends and acquaintances from college are starting to capital-M “Make It.” (Like C-suite of a Fortune 500, federal judge, prosecuting the former president, “Make It.”) Meanwhile, I can barely hold it together on a “reduced schedule” at my entirely unimpressive mid tier gig, because it is a full time job making sure my kid gets the schooling he deserves and the therapy he needs. (schlepping him to said appointments is a SECOND full time job that my husband gets to do. ) All I can do is hope that it gets easier as he gets older.
I don't know how old your kiddo is, but I have two Autistic kids (and I'm in a community of moms with high need kids) and I promise that even if it doesn't get better, it will get easier. Our socieity is not set up to support caregiving or disability in any major way and that's fucked and on them and not you. <3
The worst. I hope it gets easier too!