These are all so good! My 12yo texted my husband & I a bunch of pictures of the giant organs (!!!) they were dissecting in Science class and my husband responded "Unsubscribe" (A+ adult slang) and he responded "What do you mean." We still got it!
These are all so good! My 12yo texted my husband & I a bunch of pictures of the giant organs (!!!) they were dissecting in Science class and my husband responded "Unsubscribe" (A+ adult slang) and he responded "What do you mean." We still got it!
These are all so good! My 12yo texted my husband & I a bunch of pictures of the giant organs (!!!) they were dissecting in Science class and my husband responded "Unsubscribe" (A+ adult slang) and he responded "What do you mean." We still got it!
lol Why is this so precious to me
brb just adding that to my vocab.