
Since Scott mentioned yacht rock I finished listening to the new Michael McDonald book yesterday and I loved it?? If you know a dad who enjoys the Doobie Brothers, Steely Dan, late 20th century pop music lore or just good memoir I personally recommend it.

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Jun 11Liked by Claire Zulkey

I bought my husband a book about Johnny Marr and his guitars that he's wanted for a while for Father's Day.

I just ordered a hammock for myself 😂

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It’s great! A pillow, a chair next to it for a drink, a book… Happy Father’s Day ;)

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Jun 11Liked by Claire Zulkey

Omg thank you for sending a link to a father-approved hammock. I spent hours yesterday looking at them trying to figure out actual quality etc (and that would arrive in time). I just needed someone to say “here, buy this one.” And I just did.

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My pleasure. Ours is probably at least five years old by now so it’s not bad quality.

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Jun 11Liked by Claire Zulkey

I've been joking that if I were a Ken, my job would be "hammock," so apparently.... I'm the dad in this relationship? I'll have to tell my wife; we don't normally celebrate father's day but maybe I should hijack it for myself. 🤔

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I would argue no dads are necessary to appreciate a Dad-approved hammock.

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I have purchased the hammock, though I'd already purchased a father's day gift for my partner. The hammock just seems like a good bonus gift, and let's be real, I'll be using it too!!

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just like me buying my husband some new shirts means I get the gift of not looking at shirts with holes in the armpits anymore!

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RemovedJun 16Liked by Claire Zulkey
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I got my husband gift cards to the Chicago school of woodworking and he really enjoyed his classes. He made a really nice table! That our son promptly claimed as his own.

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Thank you for promoting me to think about a gift! In years past I’ve organized daddy dates for my husband with each of the kids. For a foodie kid - a special steak lunch downtown. Movie kid - day at the movies. Daughter - mani/pedi with dad. 💅🏼

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that’s really cute. bonus of getting dad’s feet cleaned up in the process ;)

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haha you're so right!

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Great list!

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