Guess who woke up sweaty in the middle of the night the last 2 nights in a row? ;)

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Thank you for this post! This book has been on my list to buy for a while, and now I'm just going to do it. Roughly same age as you, definitely got the night sweats. Also, I used to work with Renee Sedliar! She is the best and it was such a delight to see her name here and her part in the creation of this important and necessary book!

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A decade! I wasn’t ready. haha

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Buying this book ASAP

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Claire Zulkey

I'm 39 years and three days old, and this is all news to me. So I just shared this with about 50 people (and encouraged them to subscribe!). Thank you thank you thank you.

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Though you are about as good-looking as one woman can be, you will actually become BETTER LOOKING during perimenopause, Claire! Trust me.

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This is input I am going to take to heart and put all my hopes and dreams in so don't let me down!

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Here's a possible resource a reader let me know about via email:

"One resource that I found incredibly useful is CEMCOR, the University of British Columbia research institute on menstruation cycle and ovulation research. I encourage you to check it out - I believe they are one f a vanishingly few institutes around the world who are dedicated to this topic, and they really challenge mainstream thinking and medicine."

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