Love it. I only recently discovered that if you add something to your Ebay watchlist and wait a minute, the seller will message you a discount more often than not. I had been haunted by Instagram ads for a particular Banana Republic silk shirtdress, and got the same dress new on Ebay for one third the price this way!

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farewellexchange dot com is a “circular fashion” site where you can donate your gently used items and get credit to “exchange” them for other people’s. I haven’t tried it yet but I follow her on Instagram and she gets some great stuff. Also: I buy bras on eBay too! There is one highly specific brand and style that I like and someone always has last season’s colors new with tags, for much less than retail.

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This was helpful to read -- I have bought a couple of things on Poshmark but I am EXHAUSTED at the thought of setting up a shop to sell our family's used clothes--which I feel like I could do-- and this proves that maybe I am correct, it ain't worth it. We do donate a lot and I save the receipts--and as cited, it does help with taxes. My Poshmark shopping has been targeted toward finding items from the original Tweeds catalog, but only those dating from 1987 ~ 1992. My white whale moment was, after endless searching and scrolling, and scrutinizing label close-ups, buying a sweater I originally owned in high school in another color ($25), though I still seek it in its original deep red.

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I love hearing about clothing white whales!!

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THANK YOU for this: so useful. I don't love the idea of selling my stuff but I do belong to a quarterly women's clothing swap, love to thrift, and swear by the something-in, something-out closet policy. The granular tips in here make me feel drunk with the power to better find better things.

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I've been trying to sell my Dansko clogs on both of these apps with zero success, I need some of these ladies' seller mojo!!

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This was amazing. Who knew? For the gal using Fabreeze, there’s a much more effective molecular odor blaster — without any scent at all — called Zero Odor that I use on anything with scent I can’t tolerate. The best.

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