Question from a witch I saw online:
What do I buy for my rich nine-year-old nephew who has absolutely everything? Also, nothing we do is perfect enough for my brother's wife.
Some friends helpfully offered some thoughtful ideas for legitimately nice/cool presents, but I much preferred suggestions for the most annoying gifts for an annoying kid with annoying parents:
“A bag of candy that his mom doesn't let him eat?”
“A donation to some cause they probably hate in your nephew's name”
“A harmonica.”
“Whoopie cushion”
“A box of Whoopie cushions.”
“A sound effects toy”
“I always do a gift card to a local indie bookstore. FUUUUUCKKK YOOOOOUUUU!”
So I asked for more ideas on Twitter. Here are a sampling. Please use this information wisely. With great power comes great responsibility.

End credits
Thanks for reading Evil Witches, a newsletter for people who happen to be mothers. If you haven’t yet, I hope you consider becoming a paid subscriber which gets you bonus content and helpful/honest/fun members-only threads. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions for the newsletter, you can reply to this email or leave them in the comments.
Would you like to send a friend a paid subscription to Evil Witches for the holidays? Here you go!
Or maybe send one to that annoying kid with the annoying parents to give them some ideas about how to be a witchy kid just to be annoying.
The Evil Witches archives live here. A few to peruse include what it means to “take care of yourself” during hard times, you’re not a bad mom if you find the hard parts of parenting (like sleep training) hard, organizing thoughts for real people, and maybe relevant for those of us taking our kids to public places and family things the next few weeks, credit for trying.
This is the last free newsletter of 2022: I hope you can grab some peace and/or pleasure over the next few weeks. Talk to you sometime in January!
One witchy thing
From the book “Second Born Lunatics:”