It’s been a week—nothing sad or bad, but all the activities and appointments stacked up at once, the kids and ours, and we haven’t built up our school year busyness callouses yet. After bedtime last night I finally sat down to get together the good issue I had planned and realized it was 9:20 PM the night before a holiday weekend in the States. I thought it might be wiser to save the good stuff for a meatier part of next week, and that perhaps I shouldn’t try to speed through an edit when I’m wiped. So I’m sending you a really stupid and short issue instead.
Here is something I found recently that I began to write a few years ago and never finished, titled “The Worst”:
But perhaps this is actually completely finished with a well fleshed-out beginning, middle and end. Maybe this is the realest thing I’ve ever written. Maybe it’s the best thing I’ve ever written?
Also here are a handful of gifs and memes that I have been hanging onto but haven’t found a time to use. I’ll leave them here and you can imagine the parenting/family/work/life situations in your life that these can apply to:
Have a safe, possibly even fun weekend! I hope you too can identify an opportunity to get away with doing less instead of more.
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Thanks for reading Evil Witches, a newsletter for people who happen to be mothers that often has actual content but not so much today. Even still, you might have fun becoming a paid subscriber and joining the funny, helpful and kind subscriber-only discussion threads (plus you get bonus essays, humor and advice):
You can reply to this email or talk to other witches on Twitter. The newsletter archives live here. I was just thinking about this issue (back when they were much longer!) that I hope convinced at least one person out there there’s nothing inherently tragic about sleeping separate from your partner.
My son got basically full-body impetigo, which we missed/let fester too long because we just thought it was his eczema gone amok. The doctor congratulated us on how historic it was, and left the room shaking his head and said, "thanks for the memories." So anyway. We're bacteria people too. Solidarity.
Ugh. Children 🙄